Some travelers who book on KOALA may have specific dates in mind, while others are simply deal-hunting. No matter how travelers search for their vacations, our Stays Page allows them to access all the listings that meet their criteria in one place – increasing your chances of a booking. Moreover, Stays allows travelers to easily filter their results by dates, price, and number of nights.
Jeff Ruiz, Senior Product Manager, thanks KOALA’s owner community for the feedback that led to Stays: “Since our new search functionality was released, our owners have asked for an easy way to navigate to their specific listing(s), and Stays accomplishes this goal. Better still, preliminary data shows that travelers are also finding Stays to be a great way to book their preferred listing quickly.”
Ruiz notes that bookings on Stays tend to be highly price-competitive: “After location, many travelers are filtering their results by nightly price — meaning the affordability offered by owners is top of mind for those booking on KOALA.”
For more information on how to create a highly bookable listing on KOALA, check out our video guide, or list your timeshare now: